Essays, ideas, notes. All the stuff

April 25, 2024

How am I feeling I’m feeling… it changes pretty rapidly. Sometimes anxious. Sometimes just a general low-level “feeling down” that I can’t really label. Sometimes content. That’s the nature of this “messy middle”. I’m on the...

My Map of Consciousness journey so far

2024Mind, universe and beyond
I’d like to summarise my consciousness journey so far, in the context of David Hawkins’ Map Of Consciousness. I spent most of my life hanging out around 125 (Desire) and 175 (Pride). About four years ago...

January 4, 2024

The friction is so much lower when I don’t have to think of a topic before I start writing The topic is “2024-01-04”. What do my fingers want to type right now, in this moment, without...

January 3, 2024

I don’t have much time today, but I’m determined to keep my daily streak going. Thinking I’ll write about the meditation retreat Because, I wanted to write about it for a while But what’s been holding...

January 2, 2024

Lots of things swimming around my head that I might write about. The cool thing about this new format is that I don’t need to think about which of those make sense, which of them I...

January 1, 2024

OK, the first day of my write 500 words about anything thing. This is fun because there’s literally no minimum standard bar to hit. There’s no need to edit as I type. The goal isn’t to...

Law of attaction

2023Mind, universe and beyond
There’s 👏 nothing 👏 spiritual 👏 about 👏 the 👏 law 👏 of 👏 attraction 👏. Our brains are designed to filter out almost everything around us. There’s way too much stuff in the outside world,...

Continuous releases

2023Mind, universe and beyondSoftware
My dad used to run a software company in the CAD/CAM space. Back then, before internet was widespread, a software update was a momentous occasion. Months and months of updates had to be carefully scrutinised and...

Reflection for MMU students

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
I often facilitate sessions at Manchester Metropolitan University’s Business School. A reflection I wrote for all the students after a two day startup bootcamp back in June 2022: I saw incredible gifts in every single one...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
I’ve experiences so many cool coincidences in the last couple of years. Is this itself just a coincidence? I don’t think so. I think it’s downstream of being more open to following my intuition, being open...

Daily writing

I think I’m gonna change how I do my writing for 2024. 2023 was mini essays on specific topics. After almost 100 of those I feel a bit more comfortable with writing but I still struggle...

The water hose

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Imagine a water hose with 10 knots in it. No water can flow. When you start undoing knots, there’s still no water, and so it feels like you’ve made no progress. After 6, 7, 8 knots,...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
When something ‘bad’ happens. As early as possible… get into the habit of saying ‘good’. The store was closed when I needed something. Good. She didn’t message me back. Good. I lost the client to a...

Rest and digest

2023Mind, universe and beyond
We don’t spend much time in a rest and digest state in our modern world. Constantly moving from one thing to another at work. Lots of plans. Devices and social media and advertising competing for our...

The journey of 100 things

2023Mind, universe and beyond
I’ve done a couple of “do 100 things” challenges recently. I noticed similar thought patterns arising as I got to various milestones toward the 100 on each challenge. I thought it might just be me but...

Trojan horses

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Meet people where they are, invite them to join you somewhere better Sometimes something is marketed as one thing, to make it seem less novel and intimidating, but turns out to be something deeper once you...


I recently found myself exploring the world of ‘pickup artistry’ / game / men’s dating coaching. There’s an unpleasant (and widely publicised) side to the industry, for sure. Men learning manipulative tactics to trick women into...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
I don’t like surprises. People are often surprised to hear this about me, because I’m a very spontaneous person. I don’t like when things are rigidly planned in advance. I like to take things as they...

70% brakes

2023Mind, universe and beyond
I’ve noticed an interesting thing happen each time I get somewhere around the 70% mark of a “do 100 things” challenge: I feel reluctant to continue. I think I do it in other situations where I...

Control #2

2023Mind, universe and beyond
I don’t create the soy sauce, the microorganisms do. I just create the environment where they can thrive. –Yasuo Yamamoto Most things aren’t in our control. It can feel nice to be able to control a...

What if I were to do all my thinking outside my head?

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Oh, I’m just thinking out loud. We say this all the time. We know that thinking outside our head has benefits. I’m wondering whether thinking is meant to take place much in your head at all....

Your job is a one client business

You have a job, and you say you could never run a business? That might be true. Except, in a sense, you’re already running one. You persuaded a customer (your employer) to pay you in return...

Want vs want

2023Mind, universe and beyond
We use the word ‘want’ to mean two different things: a comfortable or immediately gratifying ‘want’, and a longer term goal-based ‘want’. And so you can roughly categorise any behaviour on a 2x2 matrix of whether...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
A question that has been top of mind for me since exiting RightMessage a few months ago: To what extent do I want my life to involve me doing things that I don’t (in the moment)...

Reframing thoughts

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
Most of your emotions are caused by the thoughts you’re having about the situation you’re in, not by the situation you’re in directly. Want to feel less shitty more often? Reframe the thoughts. How? Next time...

Making friends as an adult

2023Mind, universe and beyond
I’ve heard people say it’s impossible to make friends as an adult. And yet I’m 32 and making more friends than ever. Why the discrepancy? I think it’s yet another example of our beliefs affecting our...


The amount of power you have when you’re negotiating something is proportional to how good your best other option is if this negotiation fails. That ‘best other option’ is sometimes called your ‘Best Alternative to a...

Three circles model

2023Mind, universe and beyond
A really useful model for understanding how we’re feeling at any given time. We operate in one of three basic states at any given time: soothe, drive, or threat. Think of these as different modes our...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
There’s a tradition in Judaism called “sitting shiva”. It’s a seven day mourning period after someone dies and is buried. Their immediate family sit on low stools and the door is open for well-wishers to come...

Divorce predictors

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Science still can’t predict with any certainty whether two people will be attracted to each other. But, once two people are together, it can predict with 94% accuracy1 whether they’ll get divorced. How? By putting the...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
No external situation or circumstance or event can make you feel an emotion. It simply triggers an emotion that was already trapped within you. It’s a great opportunity. Because depending on what you do next, you...

White butterflies

2023Mind, universe and beyond
White butterflies bring me into the present moment. It doesn’t matter what else is going on in my mind, or how overwhelmed or anxious I’m feeling. When I see a white butterfly, none of it matters....


2023Mind, universe and beyond
It’s so easy to inherit the ideas and beliefs we’re surrounded by. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with –Jim Rohn and probably others And then we attract and...

Sad songs

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Woah… what if a sad song doesn’t make you feel sadder after all. It helps you release trapped feelings of sadness. I used to visualise it as sadness entering me. But now I see it the...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
We use the word ‘tired’ to describe like 100 different internal states. Let’s say, like two of my friends recently, you want to be going out more in the evenings to socialise and meet new people—but...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
Anytime you feel any negative emotion or low mood it’s because one or more of your needs is not being met. If instead of blunt, vague labelling (like “I’m tired”)—or, worse still, projecting (like “I’m miserable...

Better pregaming

2023Mind, universe and beyond
A few weeks ago I went on a dating / self-improvement course. It was wild, I have so much to share about it another time. One big thing that stood out to me was what our...

Stronglifts 5x5

I’ve switched workout regimes. I was doing Built With Science (Jeremy Ethier). I still think it’s a great program. It taught me a lot. It works. It’s just it has a lot of moving parts. So...


Atomic essay #69. Fuck it, why not: A lot of people talk about 69ing not being good1. I get it: you can’t do your best work when someone’s going down on you, so everyone’s getting a...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
A reminder for myself, any time I think tremendous growth isn’t possible… A couple of years ago I had frequent doubts about my social life. I’ve always had some friends… but I was pretty insecure about...

Out of your comfort zone, into…

2023Mind, universe and beyond
There are few things that are more ‘easier said than done’ than ‘get out of your comfort zone’. But after years of struggle, I might’ve stumbled into an incredible secret to making it happen? See, the...

The 4 stages of growth

2023Mind, universe and beyond
You typically go through 4 phases on our journey learning or improving at a skill: Unconscious incompetence You’re not good at the thing, and you don’t even realise it’s a thing you’re not good at /...

10% longer

2023Mind, universe and beyond
A great way to get used to getting into your stretch zone (and, so, really growing) is to stay in situations just 10% longer than you feel comfortable. I want to get better at writing these...

Stretch zone

2023Mind, universe and beyond
You have three zones: Inner green area is your comfort zone. When you’re acting within your comfort zone things feel pretty chill. You’re also not growing. Outer red area is your panic zone. This is where...

Lower the bar

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
Something I touched on in the last essay that I want to expand upon… I hold a very high bar of what is considered good enough… and it’s an impediment to my personal and business growth....

Dropping the ball

2023Mind, universe and beyond
I dropped the ball on these daily essays for a long while. Other things came up. Which really means it hadn’t become an ingrained enough habit yet, and so other things were able to supersede. The...

The Angel Frame

2023Mind, universe and beyond
A frame I’m enjoying playing with at the moment: If I were an angel, not a human, would I be saying or doing what I’m about to say or do? I see an angel here as...

Two types of why

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
Common business advice that is pretty sound: know why you’re doing what you do. The famous TED talk about this: Start With Why by Simon Sinek. There are two types of ‘why’ that get conflated, though,...

Documenting everything

I’m wondering what would happen if I had a totally low friction way to document everything that’s happening inside me as I realise it. Help with staying conscious (present-moment awareness) Get stuff documented and therefore out...

Empathy affects change

2023Mind, universe and beyond
I often talk about Marshall Rosenberg’s Non-Violent Communication. On the surface it’s just about using different words when we speak, but in reality it’s about a whole different way of thinking. A way that values unconditional...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
A useful concept that my therapist often uses: All personal growth happens in two phases: First-order change: you’re able to adapt your behaviour by intentionally and consciously thinking about doing that new behaviour instead of some...

Natural vs habitual

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Most of the times that I mention that some behaviour is something I do “naturally”, what I really mean is “habitually”. As in, much of our behaviour is learnt, but we’ve got so good at learning...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
I’m becoming increasingly convinced that we first choose how many problems we want, and then we find them. The specifics of our external circumstances have very impact on our satisfaction. If we’re of a mindset that...

Picking our battles (perfectly)

2023Mind, universe and beyond
I did a Kabbalah course last year. It had some really cool framings that I hadn’t heard before for various spiritual and mystical and personal growth concepts. One was about horoscopes. I’d only ever heard of...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
Humans are givers. When everything is in balance, when we’re in a good place, we naturally want to give. That’s why kids love feeding ducks. There’s nothing particularly in it for them… except the pure joy...

2 ways to reason

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
One thing I see people do that is often not optimal is that they’ll see someone else doing a thing and say “they’re very successful, so I’m going to do the same thing”. That’s the extreme...

Giraffe ears

2023Mind, universe and beyond
A lot of Non-Violent Communication teaches how to share where you’re at more assertively and effectively. There’s a second part which is talked about less but is at least as powerful: how to hear what someone...

Disparaging comments

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
That person said no-one would ever buy what I’m selling. Now part of me wants to give up Ooft, I get it. Other people putting you and your hard work down is tough. It can be...

Religion, models and lossy compression

2023Mind, universe and beyond
As human beings we have a natural inclination to make sense of the world around us. Whether it’s through science, art, philosophy, or religion, we create models that help us understand the infinitely complex world around...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
I’m becoming increasingly convinced that the optimal strategy is simply to take more action. Whether or not it’s the “right” action— If you’re good at taking the action and it’s an action that ends up moving...

Face to face

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
A thing that’s on my mind a lot and might not be fully coherent yet but let’s take a stab at a first draft The internet is amazing But it’s this huge double-edged sword It gives...

Earn airmiles on your HMRC tax bills

You’re losing money if you don’t have a credit card that rewards you in some way (typically cash or airmiles). Which is very straightforward for groceries and restaurants and so on. What about HMRC bills? If...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
On any given spectrum of behaviour: |—————————————————————————| A B If you believe you’re much too far toward A And that it’s better to be in the middle And you identify a strategy for moving closer to...

A new tactic for self-doubt

2023Mind, universe and beyond
I’m trying something new today to combat self-doubt and procrastination. You know that thing parents do where they tell their kids they can’t hear them if they use a whining voice? In a similar vein I’m...

Step by step: figure out your values

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
From business coaches to relationship experts to branding coaches, everyone talks about how important it is to know what your values are. And they have a point. A lot of life is exponentially easier when we’re...

List of values

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
A big list of values. Use with my values exercise. Abundance Acceptance Accountability Achievement Adaptability Advancement Adventure Advocacy Altruism Ambition Appreciation Attractiveness Authenticity Autonomy Balance Beauty Being the best Belonging Boldness Benevolence Brilliance Calmness Caring Challenge...

Sex and needs

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Premise Sex isn’t a core human need. It’s a strategy for meeting many core needs (sexual expression, intimacy, closeness, physical contact, play, pleasure, affection, love, connection, creativity, power…) Sexual expression is a core human need, but...

Needs vs strategies for meeting needs

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Often when we talk about what we need, we’re really talking about a strategy for meeting a need. We all have a bunch of core needs. Physical ones like food and shelter. And others like peace,...

Everything is beautiful

2023Mind, universe and beyond
A lot of people would say that this: Is more beautiful than this: But I think they’re missing out. Yes, it’s easier to appreciate the beauty of things like sunsets and oceans, but we’re often quick...

Why is the mind always talking?

2023Mind, universe and beyond
An interesting framing from Michael Singer’s The Untethered Soul: the reason we have “a voice in our head” (thoughts; ego; whatever you call it) that talks even when we haven’t asked it to is because the...

What's Stopping You - the origin story

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
How Christian and I went from zero to a shipped podcast: 14 December 2022: Christian told me he hoped to launch his new app, The Video Clipper, within a few weeks (but that it had been...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
What’s the point of an argument? First let’s define what the starting criteria of an argument looks like: I think one thing. You think a different thing. Cool. What’s next? I used to think the point...

Everything is practice for something else

2023Mind, universe and beyond
What if you treat everything you do as simply practice for something else in future? (This is another one of my “optimal to believe is true even if false”isms) It takes the pressure off. If you’re...

The 2 ways to learn from the actions of others

2023Mind, universe and beyond
When something happens to someone else, we often feel a certain way about it. It can be beneficial to separate out: What is the observable thing that happened What am I feeling about it What meaning...

Better conference name tags

Inspired by If I were going to organise a business conference or event (which I plan to in the next few years—organising events is one of the situations I’ve identified where I feel most fulfilled,...

Mortgages in Barbados

My notes on Barbados mortgages: A UK bank won’t give a mortgage for property abroad, so you need to go to a Bajan bank. Many banks won’t lend to non-residents. RBC and Sagicor will. You have...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
The habitual way I’d handle someone exhibiting negative emotions was to try to reassure / help them. Upset about being turned down for a job? I’d remind them that they’re competent, and there are other jobs,...

Following through on Future Me's tasks

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Now, of course, I said yes [to doing a TED Talk]. It’s always been a dream of mine to have done a TED Talk in the past. –Tim Urban That’s a problem for Future Homer. Man,...

Good enough

2023Mind, universe and beyond
One thing that’s come out of writing these daily atomic essays is that I often struggle to write something ‘good enough’. My inner voice will dismiss various possible topics and, even more frequently, various possible sentences....

Why help founders get unstuck (round 2)

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
At age 28 I got to the point of realising I had emotions (and that this was OK); and started working very intentionally on my personal growth. It quickly became apparent how much our mind creates...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
I always thought the Chanukah story was that the Greeks destroyed all the oil in the Jewish temple, the Jews found one day’s supply left, and there was a miracle where that one pot lasted for...

Playing stupid

2023Mind, universe and beyond
As a child I’d sometimes do this thing that my family would call something like ‘playing stupid’, where I’d stubbornly refuse to admit I was capable of the simplest task. Example: can’t do a challenging homework...

Reflections on my procrastination

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
I sometimes go through very unproductive phases. Phases where I’m procrastinating entire days away. I’m delving into why I do this and what I can do to improve it. First, I’m making a spreadsheet that divides...

Why help founders get unstuck

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
“Why are you transitioning into this mental health ish stuff / helping founders get unstuck, instead of marketing tech?” Firstly can I try to define what this mental health ish stuff is… I became very intentional...

Resisting important tasks

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
Why do we feel more resistance for the most important task than for the others? You might have heard this idea (sometimes called swallowing the frog) of doing the most undesirable task first in your day,...

Praise causes low self-esteem

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Telling a child how wonderful they are has a similar negative impact on their self esteem as telling them how terrible they are. This is mind-blowing to me (and explains why I’ve had to spend the...

Do I move in the world or does the world move around me?

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Let’s say you’re walking to the shop. Is your mental model for what’s happening: A. The world is fixed, and the physical location of your body is moving within the world as you take each step,...

What's Stopping You - intake questions

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
These are the intake questions we send to someone when they apply to be on the What’s Stopping You podcast. (We might move these to a form/doc tool for easier completion, but for now they’re listed...

What's Stopping You - SOP

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
Initial contact Person says they want to be a guest Intake form: send them the intake questions. For now we can do this in whichever medium we’re communicating in already (e.g. Twitter DM) but could formalise...

Todo list resistance

2023Mind, universe and beyond
If you’re feeling resistance to making progress on your todo list, try adding one or more of these extra notes to each item: ”What’s the next step?” Break the task into smaller and smaller pieces until...

Aerosol sunscreen

I used to use the spray or the lotion sunscreen. I think I vaguely knew about the continuous spray ones but I’d heard they didn’t work well, or for whatever other reason had never really considered...

Barbados 7 night itinerary

Suggested 7 night itinerary (the one I’ve ended up doing with my friends this week) Day 1: Land. Unwind at home. Head out for spontaneous dinner/drinks - we went to Chill Bar Day 2: Slow morning....

Why not just get a high salary dev job—are indie hackers needy?

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
What drives us to entrepreneurship… I definitely think that within the community of developers who are not going and getting a stable dev job, but instead are doing indie hacking or something along those lines, there’ll...

Riding the waves: how wakeboarding helped me navigate the ups and downs of building my SaaS

2023Mind, universe and beyond
One of many great things I’ve learnt from my friend and podcast cohost Christian Genco is this powerful framing: Humans thrive when they have one foot in order and one foot in chaos. A balance between...

My brain told me to

2023Mind, universe and beyond
I used to do stuff for no reason. As a kid, I felt like it, so I did it. I’d be creative in the most weird and wonderful ways. When adults used to ask me why...

Podcast workflow

From nothing ➡️ published podcast episode: Have the call Use It locally records each person in high quality and uploads them as it can Load the call into Descript Download the files from Make...

Massy Group

What I know about Massy: It’s a chain of supermarkets in Barbados They seem to have other businesses than groceries: there’s a pharmacy, some homeware, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Massy Realty I’ve heard it...

Conditionally show & hide price plans in the Stripe customer portal

I love Stripe. I especially love its Checkout and customer portal features. They look great, they’re well tested and conversion optimised, and they save so much time vs building my own subscription management logic and UI....

Making space for creativity

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Observation: new ideas can only emerge if there’s space for them to emerge into. Implication: if your calendar is full of stuff; if your physical surroundings are full of stuff; if your mind is full of...


2023Mind, universe and beyond
I’ve been fortunate not to have needed prescription medication many times in my life, and not at all in the last few years, until today. What I found interesting was that the main thing I felt...

Everything is luck. But you can make yourself luckier.

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
If 2020 (and beyond) taught us anything, it’s that we can make all the plans in the world—it doesn’t mean they’ll work out. We don’t choose how our lives go. We have less control than we...

Don't resist last time, grow for next time

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Any time I have a thought of: I should have done X differently I’ve been making an effort to reframe the thought as: If I’m in that situation again, I can do X differently The former...

A hack for eliminating all resentment from your life

2023Mind, universe and beyond
Ever find yourself feeling resentful about having to do something? I love this hack for helping me eliminate feelings of resentment for good: Make a list of some things you “have to” do but don’t want...

Non-Violent Communication

2023Mind, universe and beyond
No matter what words we humans are using, we’re only ever really communicating one thing: what’s alive in us. Either some unpleasant feeling, because needs are unmet, or some pleasant feeling, because needs are met. Yet...

Is it bad to email my list every day?

I hear this question a lot, and there are some strong opinions on each side: Why sending daily can work great— 1. Subscribers will start to feel like they know you, which makes it easier to...

4 ways I slashed my content consumption and 10x’ed taking action

2023BusinessMind, universe and beyond
1. I treat my computer like a penknife. No matter how useful a penknife is, you wouldn’t sit and play with it all day while you decide what to do next. You fetch it when you...

I'm writing an atomic essay every day

Starting today, I’m writing an atomic essay (maximum 250 words) every day for as long as I can keep the streak going. Why: I think about things, a lot. When I share these thoughts with people,...


2022Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
Today might just be journalling - I’m too tired for anything too coherent. There’s a suitcase there Huh, I would like this space better if I were to tidy it up (I started that sentence as...

Fear of success

2022Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
Day 2 and I don’t want to write! But, what if no-one’s watching? What’s on my mind? I could write about the courage vs comfort thing: the fork in the road tally that I’ve added to...

What would I write if no-one were watching?

2022Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
A big self growth thing I’ve been working on a lot over the last couple of years is authenticity. It was really lacking. (Whole other essay to write: my journey around authenticity/honesty, acting how I think...


2022BusinessMind, universe and beyond
Books I’ve read Books I’m currently reading Books I want to read next

“Shai, what do you actually do for work?”

The short answer I run software companies. The joyful answer I professionally play on the computer! I get to make apps for people to use, which is exactly what I loved doing for fun when I...


2022Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
Themes Authenticity Isabela’s song Being herself instead of doing what’s expected of her / fitting in “I’m so sick of pretty, I want something true, don’t you?” Beauty and joy in everything Isabela’s song - “It’s...

Rebuilding RightMessage

2022Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
Really interesting The stuff I’ve been thinking a lot about during the RM downtime (in personal life, other businesses, etc) - Comfort vs courage The 2x2 grid Doing the thing that feels uncomfortable Procrastination Fear Is...

Yes, and

2022Mind, universe and beyond
My friend Christian used to do a lot of improv comedy. He told me that one of the golden rules in improv is to always accept whatever another speaker has said (“yes”) and then expand from...

Difficult decisions

2022BusinessMind, universe and beyond
I was living in Barbados in 2021. My father went for a scheduled operation back in the UK, which was successful, but in scans they separately found an aggressive cancer on his lung. We were told...

SaaS feedback loops

2022BusinessEarly draft
One of the things a lot of people (myself included) find difficult in transitioning from a service-based business (like freelancing) to a product-based business (like SaaS) is that the latter has a much looser feedback loop....

Pleasure vs growth

2022Mind, universe and beyond
The short term vs long term thing is really interesting (Grid: one axis is short-term good vs bad (a.k.a. pleasurable; comfortable), the other is long term good vs bad (a.k.a. true to self; growth; deep want))...

Courage over comfort

2022Mind, universe and beyond
My typical pattern goes something like: have an idea for a next step (could be a major business strategy, or an email to send, or an unpleasant conversation to attempt, or just a mildly unpleasant errand);...

Skipping pronouns

2022Mind, universe and beyond
Curious observation about my own communication: As I become more comfortable being vulnerable, open, courageous as a person, I notice that I’m more likely to include the word ‘I’ in written communication. Even simple things like:...

Responsibility vs fault

2022Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
We conflate ‘responsibility’ and ‘fault’, and it’s harmful. If something is your fault, you are the cause of it having happened If something is your responsibility, you are taking ownership for fixing it Fault = past...

Speed limits

2022Mind, universe and beyond
There is no speed limit. You set the pace. This one lesson has been critical to my success in life and business. It allowed me to graduate high school at 15, drop out of college to...

Belief in God

2022Mind, universe and beyond
Do I believe in God? Totally depends how we’re defining God. A low-level definition for me would be that God is a word we can use to describe any ultimate reality or truth that can’t be...

Important things first

2021Mind, universe and beyond
When you have a checklist of things you want to accomplish each day, get as much of it as possible out the way as early in the day as possible. It’s part of being good to...

Trick questions

2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft It’s good to say what we mean. Speaking in riddles… expecting mind-reading… quickly becomes toxic. “Do you want to help” is absolutely fine if you’re OK with the answer being “no”. Otherwise, say what you...


2021Mind, universe and beyond
Really interesting idea from The Courage To Be Disliked… That we don’t act how we act because of things that happened to us in the past (cause and effect). “aetiology”. Rather we act how we act...


2021Mind, universe and beyond
Some of my hobbies are easy to identify: scuba diving, playing piano… But what else counts as a hobby? According to Wikipedia, a lot of things! Here are the things I sometimes enjoy doing, as a...


2021Mind, universe and beyond
Haha I have so much resistance in me to writing this Not because of this topic in particular. Just my current state of mind thinks any kind of writing is going to be painful I know...

Writing without thinking

2021Mind, universe and beyond
What happens if I just start writing without thinking? It’s hard. The mind really likes to throw thoughts at you. And if you’re not careful, everything is being filtered through those thoughts. But with practice it’s...

Assertiveness - jealousy

2021Mind, universe and beyond
Imagine a situation where people A and B are in a relationship. A is holding feelings of jealousy and upset (and maybe also anger as a secondary / covering emotion) because, let’s say, A believed B...

My values

2021Mind, universe and beyond
I value acceptance and non-judgment. I don’t believe anyone is a bad person at their core. I believe everyone is always doing their personal best at any given moment. That doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be consequences...


2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
I’m really enjoying the journey of building up my own religious and spiritual beliefs from first principles. example: brachot seemed meaningless to me. just things you had to say that got in the way before you...

The world moving around me

2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
ok, let’s go! there was that twitter poll i did. everyone said they imagine themselves moving in the world that’s what i expected. that’s how i’d always operated (but thought i’d check!) but a funny...

Personality types

2021Mind, universe and beyondAuto-transcribed
A lot of people aren’t keen on Myers Briggs. But I think it is uncannily accurate for a lot of people. I think the tests are often flawed—they might not give you your correct type. But...

Present-moment pomodoros

2021BusinessMind, universe and beyondEarly draft Integrating body / present-moment awareness into your pomodoros… Permission to become present At the end of a meditation on the Headspace meditation app they often suggest finding a few times throughout your day where...


2021Mind, universe and beyond
I just came across Elizabeth Gilbert’s TED Talk, “Your elusive creative genius”, for the first time after hearing about it from Visa Veerasamy. What resonated with me most was her explanation of a genius historically being...

Language and spirituality

2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
In Spanish you don’t say you are scared, you say you have fear. A nod to the notion that our emotions are transient, they come and go, not inherent traits of us—we are not our thoughts...

Layers of abstraction

2021Mind, universe and beyond
Shai, you’re a nerd. You’re logical. You write code. I don’t get how you’re so into spirituality and self-transcendence and all that voodoo. Great question! Firstly, my respect for science and logic isn’t because I have...

Steve Jobs

2021BusinessMind, universe and beyondAuto-transcribed
I always felt a sudden affinity for Steve Jobs I never really understood why in particular but never thought it was for the same reasons as other people and now I’m starting to realise it’s because...

The bible

2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
in the end it doesn’t matter whether the bible, your notion of god, etc, are objectively true. all models are wrong, some are useful people take the bible too literally even if (indulge me for a...

How to build a dynamic 'thank you' page for your trigger links

Trigger links are a very useful tool in most email marketing apps / ESPs. They cause some action to happen when a subscriber clicks them. For example, when a subscriber clicks a button it might apply...

Why Smart Subscriber is an even bigger deal than I realised

The day I started building Smart Subscriber I knew it could be a useful tool for creators—myself included. But I didn’t consciously understand its full potential until all the “I need this!” and “how can I...

Present-moment mantras

2021Mind, universe and beyond
Mantras or quotes that help me to remember some essential truths. That the present moment is all there is. That there isn’t “me” and a separate “other”: I am one tiny part of a vast interconnected...

Figuring out what to put on your micro-goal checklist

2021Mind, universe and beyond
Yesterday I wrote about making a daily micro-goal checklist. A few people asked how I figured out what to put on mine, because they’ve wanted to make one too but struggle to figure out what to...

Take back control with a micro-goal checklist

2021Mind, universe and beyond
It's amazing how much of a sense of purpose and satisfaction this simple checklist gives me.

Do we use tools, or do tools use us?

2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
Coming soon Notes - penknife: pick it up when we have a use for it, then set it down whereas phone: sometimes that’s true. sometimes we find ourselves scrolling ‘mindlessly’ same for laptop and the thinking...


2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
Everything we do is about intention or action. We intend to walk somewhere or do something. And then (and this isn’t totally in our control but in the simpler cases our intention leads so directly to...


It’s 2013. I’m sitting my final year exams at university. It’s a warm summer afternoon, and I walk into the exam hall of one of the most notoriously difficult papers. I’m not feeling confident. I open...

Accepting the day

2021BusinessMind, universe and beyond
If I don’t manage to do what I hoped to by the end of the day, the immediate conclusion is that I failed. It’s easy to beat myself up about it. Reality didn’t match expectation… there’s...

Generating blog post preview images

I want to be able to grab screenshots of my essays (or the beginnings of essays) to share in places like Twitter. Similar to the images of the fantastic essays that @mariepoulin has been sharing this...

Metaphysical data loss

2021Mind, universe and beyondAuto-transcribed
I’ve tried writing about this a few times. It’s a really difficult one. Words are not the things they represent. So when we talk about anything metaphysical or spiritual, we are trying to find the words...


2021Mind, universe and beyondAuto-transcribed
I was brought up with the religion without much sense of the meaning behind it. Which I think is common for a lot of people. As a 4 year old you’re told this fact of ‘don’t...

What to do about Amex Platinum's 90 day travel insurance cap?

The Platinum Card from American Express comes with excellent travel insurance (among other things) that has served me very well over the years. But it only covers you for trips up to 90 days. The only...

All about pensions

It’s great for tax The reason it’s often worth locking your money away until retirement is that the government gives huge tax breaks when you do. A basic rate taxpayer can ‘swap’ £80 of regular money...


2021Mind, universe and beyond
Maybe true freedom isn't a lack of rules. It’s the ability to define the rules yourself.

Biblical metaphors

2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
Cain and Abel Cain’s sacrifice is rejected. Tried, but the universe may not reward. Things didn’t go his way. Out of his control. You accept, or you fight. He could not accept that which was out...


Boundaries are not oppressive they are freeing. If you have a school playground with no fences. Within the people within it have to spend a lot of energy checking that they are always safe and avoiding...


2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
G-d instead of writing the ‘o’ Because respect (avoid erasing/disrespecting) Capital letter. Respect? Or just proper noun? Research. You-Know-Who in Harry Potter Because fear Names are only crude representations, but our minds create association between name...

Photo filters

2021Mind, universe and beyond
When my mind is quiet, the whole world looks like it’s been through a photo filter / ‘pop’ photo adjustment. I wonder whether the reason I/we like photo filters so much is that they undo the...

Expectation vs expectancy

2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
Expectation is defined as: the feeling or belief that something will or should happen Expectancy is: hoping that something, especially something pleasant, will happen or be the case For me, a healthy relationship has plenty of...


2021Mind, universe and beyond
Anger is generally a defensive cover-up emotion that we use until we have the courage to face what we’re really feeling about a situation.

Stripe Payment Links

The tiny feature that might just change the internet

Expressing emotions

2021Mind, universe and beyond
My ex used to get frustrated when I’d say that everything was going pretty well. She thought I was lying about how I was really feeling. She was right… and she was wrong. She was right...

Emotional maturity

2021Mind, universe and beyond
Everyone uses thoughts (thinking) as well as emotions (feeling) when they make decisions. Most people naturally turn to one of these more than the other1, especially when they’re younger, and especially when the decision they’re making...

Why I invest in the HSBC FTSE All-World index fund

A reader was about to start investing in index funds, and emailed to ask whether I still believe in the HSBC FTSE All-World or whether there’s a better option. My answer: I do still stick to...


2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
I’m interested in everything. I used to think this was a bad thing. Mainstream society lauds specialism as essential to success. That you need to be really good at one thing and go ever deeper into...

Why I deleted Twitter from my phone

2021Mind, universe and beyond
I’ve uninstalled Twitter from my phone. Even with being careful who I follow, and which words I mute, I noticed it impacting my mental wellbeing. How so? Specifically for me it was instilling a “I should...

Collecting ACH payments through Stripe

2021BusinessSoftwareEarly draft
There’s one little-known fact about collecting ACH payments through Stripe that is the cause of so much confusion. I’ve known of people giving up on trying to accept ACH payments altogether because of it. That critical...

Treading Water

2021BusinessMind, universe and beyond
I was excited for March. I had planned some great product improvements to work on for RightMessage. And then… “chores” got in the way. By “chores” I mean the kind of work that doesn’t have any...

Investing in index funds

If you have money that you don’t need to touch for several years, you should invest it. “But investing is risky, isn’t it? A high interest savings account at my bank gives me a guaranteed return.”...

I-focused communication

2021Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
The conventionalwisdom in marketing is to write you-focused copy. This is generally accurate. It works on the premise that your prospects don’t care about you, the writer, nearly as much as they care about themselves (the...

Meditation for skeptics and science people

2020Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
The Task Positive Network (TPN) and the Default Mode Network (DMN). Generally we’re in the TPN when we’re concentrating on something specific in the present moment, like concentrating on some handiwork or some other activity that...

Intuition, Connections, Patterns, Higher-Order Systems

2020Mind, universe and beyondAuto-transcribed
I’m not certain where I’m going with this, but let’s try it. I’ve always felt the connection between things. I’ve always been interested in how things are connected. How things fit together. In the Myers-Briggs Personality...

Talk Transcript - Manchester Metropolitan University Business School - Winter 2020

2020BusinessMind, universe and beyond
I’ve run a few businesses over the years. They’re generally in technology, because it’s what I know, and what I’m passionate about. But they’ve been across a few industries – my first business was a web...

Life as a video game

2020Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
(Coming soon. tl;dr: you have a surface-level life (your ego’s life) and you have a deeper essence. Most people spend their life totally identified with their ego, and so feeling deeply dissatisfied with whatever problems the...

Life purpose

2020Mind, universe and beyond
What am I optimising my life for? To use my video game analogy, I think most people (myself included, in the past) try to answer that question within the ‘character’ realm. In terms of things their...

How I overcame writer's block

2020BusinessMind, universe and beyond
I struggled with writer’s block for years. Ever since I was at school. It was always that first hurdle—the blank page. I could stare at it for hours without being able to think of a single...


2020Mind, universe and beyond
When I find myself not doing a thing I intended to do, a massive shift for me has been to go deeper into what’s preventing me from Just Fucking Doing It™ right now. If the answer...

Self-doubting questions

2020Mind, universe and beyond
Self-doubting questions (like “what if people don’t like this”, “what if it’s not good enough”) lose all their power as soon as you realise they’re not rhetorical. Answer them. Write down what would happen. And you’ll...

Testing my new speech to website workflow

I’m recording this to test out the new workflow of sending my recordings straight to my digital garden.Hopefully everything I’m saying now is about to end up as a new article on the site.

Tangible benefits of meditation

2020Mind, universe and beyondAuto-transcribed
I mentioned my meditation streak on Twitter a few weeks ago, and Claire Suellentrop replied with this great question: What tangible benefit(s) in wellbeing have you noticed from meditation? I'm only 7 days into building a...

Automatically transcribe recordings to digital garden?

Just one thing in.So what I’m thinking.Is.I can record while I’m out on a walkover run.Just as something comes to mind.Recording recorder.Have that share. Press to share the transcript.And other text file.Or Google Docs are.And.To.Google Drive.Now...

Taking responsibility

Say you’re working in a job, and your boss is horrible to you. And you leave the employer because of it. There are two mindsets you can approach this situation with: He was horrible. He forced...


2020Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
The mind is, by and large, a prediction engine. This is by design (or evolution), and is essential for survival. If you see the back third of a tiger to the left of a tree, and...


2020Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
It’s like a hashing algorithm. There are a finite number of words1 and an infinite number of things and experiences that we might want to distill into those words. So there will always be some degree...

Positive changes #2

2020Mind, universe and beyond
It’s been a volatile year for most of us. But over the last few months I’ve found that pushing myself into a handful of positive habits & changes has had a huge impact on my sanity,...

Habits of successful people

2020BusinessMind, universe and beyondEarly draft
I see a correlation between running a successful business and maintaining ‘healthy’ habits like daily exercise, meditation, and so on. I’m curious whether there’s causation (and if so in what direction), or whether something else is...


2020Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
(Related to /inputs-vs-results ?) Nervous in the queue for a rollercoaster, but once I was sat down and strapped in and came to terms with the fact that there’s essentially no getting out of the situation, the...

Input-oriented vs result-oriented

2020Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
“It’s important not to be results oriented in business” ( You can control inputs, you can’t control results Trying to/wishing you could control things you can’t control is dysfunctional and a source of great dissatisfaction When...


2020Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
A lot of people use their website’s /now to document the things they’re working on in their business in the coming month, year, etc. I’d like to use mine for something I feel is more important....

It's meant to be

2020Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
I never felt comfortable with the idea of ‘it’s meant to be’ or ‘it’ll all turn out for the best’ in response to sad things happening. While they’re well-intentioned, they imply some kind of divine plan...


2020Mind, universe and beyond
Have you ever looked at the ambulance driver’s face as their ambulance tears through the streets, sirens wailing, blue lights blaring? It’s as calm as anything. They don’t take on the angry blare of the lights...


2020Mind, universe and beyond
Nothing comes into existence fully-formed. The most perfect ideas can only thrive if they’re nurtured in an environment that encourages imperfection. An environment that assigns at least as much value and respect to “I’m curious about...

Identifying with your thoughts

2020Mind, universe and beyond
I recently heard a story about a man who, every morning, would take every book off his bookshelf… only to put them back again. A friend who was present to this story being told immediately responded,...

My current workout routine

2020Mind, universe and beyond
Over the last few years the routine has either been 5-a-side once a week, or for a few months at the end of 2019 there were ~3 runs per week thrown in too (using Couch to...

WTF are mindfulness, meditation and spirituality

2020Mind, universe and beyondEarly draft
Mindfulness. Meditation. Spirituality. If you’re anything like I was a few months ago, you’ve heard of all three of these words. You can just about describe at least parts of one or two of them. And...

Positive changes

2020Mind, universe and beyond
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about what it means to live “in the moment”. It was a phrase I’d heard of but never really considered what it meant or whether I was doing it. It...


2020Mind, universe and beyond
Don’t worry too much what other people think of you. You and they were born equal, and 100 years from now you and they will be nothing more than dust—equal again. The conflict, the feeling of...

Piano Cover - Frozen - Let It Go

By popular request from my nieces!

My digital garden

I wet my plants 💦

TV Recommendations

“The answer to life's problems aren't at the bottom of a bottle, they're on TV!”

Government support for UK startups during coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

This is a rundown of my understanding of the UK’s coronavirus (COVID-19) support as it relates to startups and freelancers in the UK. While I’ve spent a long time reading through the guidance and legislation so...

Send an HTTP request from Drip

Because I know I’ll need to look this up a lot… This is what the HTTP request from Drip looks like when you use the ‘Send an HTTP Post’ action… { "subscriber": { "id": "1231243j3n423o4jn", "status":...

Make Drip’s workflow editor wider and easier to use

Drip’s workflow editor is awesome, but one constant frustration is how it squashes everything to fit the width of your screen. In complex workflows this means actions are drawn overlapping each other, making everything harder to...

4 Key Takeaways from MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
I could list hundreds, but I’m going to stick to themes that came up repeatedly across several talks (—the plural of anecdote IS data) 1. Focus on one thing at a time We can’t do everything....

Mike Taber – Idea Validation and Customer Development – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Why is validation important? How to launch a product, v1.0 Find an idea Talk to people Go out on the internet Or you can’t find a tool to do something Build the product ??? Profit THIS...

Sujan Patel – From Idea to Launch to Your First 1000 Customers With Zero Marketing Budget – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
37 slides, I’ll try to keep it short Very actionable How to get your first 1,000 customers Or past that, to 10,000 From idea to 1,000 customers Me @sujanpatel Founder of Web Profits Growth marketing agency...

Ryan Battles – How to Gain Traction in a Crowded Market – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Someone earlier was telling me They’re looking to build a product Interests: programming, selling, kung-fu Programming: Python, and Go Go sounds obscure. You should start a product around that! Then I Googled it. 15 million results...

Patrick McKenzie – Paint By Numbers: From Productized Service to SaaS – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Quick story about the patio11 thing Lived in Japan for 13 years Get confused for people A LOT My Harry Potter phase… My Keith Perhac phase… 2 white software engineers in town My Eminem phase… Started...

Matthew Du Pont – Outnumbered: Selling to 2 or more B2B decisionmakers at the same time – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
You want to get the room of purchasers committed to what you’re buying You demo what you have You ask questions I’d like to recommend a better approach Goal of my talk: convince you not to...

Matt Inglot – Validate Your Product Idea With Pre-Sales (How I made $4500 pre-selling my product -- and how 1 out of every 6 people emailed became a customer) – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
I was worried about launching my product A few years ago I was in a pretty good place 25 hours was a long week for me Did what any self respecting person would do… start another...

Keith Perhac – Building Your First Effective Marketing Funnel – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
@harisenbon79 Run a marketing agency – DelphiNet Horrible naming choice Founder of SegMetrics Co-founder of Summit Evergreen I design strategies that turn visitors into customers Help companies build email funnels Landing page To email address To...

Justin Jackson – The Freedom Ladder: Financial Independence through Products – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
First – I love you guys Vegas: the first 48 hours are amazing. Then there’s a cliff Went to MicroConf Growth. After 2 days, I’m exhausted Then all you guys show up. So much energy Today...

John Collison – Q&A – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
John Collison, co-founder of Stripe. Interview hosted by Mike Taber Biggest initial challenge in building / developing Stripe? We had no idea how to build Stripe Anyone who had used the original merchant providers knew what...

Derrick Reimer – Transforming Customer Input into Killer Features – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
We can’t build everything customers ask for! 1) Parse Customers love to make their feature requests in the form of the solution, not eh problem “What are you actually trying to accomplish with this?” Example: feature...

Dave Churchville – Making Facebook Ads profitable for your SaaS – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
What I learned the hard way 4 or 5 different SaaS businesses Tried a lot of things. Failed at many of them! STOP. DO THIS NOW Add the FB pixel to your site now This will...

Andy Baldacci – Profitable content marketing in 1 hour a week – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
“I know I should be blogging more, but…” -Every founder, ever. Even if you have the time and enjoy writing, doesn’t mean you’ll know the right stuff to put out Too much shitty content out there...

Sherry Walling – How To Win The Battle Of Wits (Startup Edition) – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Pre-talk video: Iocane powder: How to win the battle of wits (Start-up edition) So much of what makes you successful or not successful is in your own head Your ability to choose; to decide What...

Josh Doody – How you can get to 180,000 visitors a year in under 12 months – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
Core business – book – Fearless Salary Negotiation @JoshDoody Had to find people to buy my book Built a site – What I did to get started with SEO – organic traffic Context 225 site...

Jordan Gal – Two Years in the SaaS Trenches – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Intro (Rob & Mike) 17% of people here need an idea 23% have an idea 24% building 8% just launched 27% launched and growing 1% “essentially retired” Jordan Gal - Two Years in the SaaS Trenches...

Ben Orenstein – Blind Spots of the Developer Entrepreneur – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Prescriptions and Descriptions A lot of speakers start by talking about themselves I’m going to talk about YOU I sent out a survey to attendees Got about 50 responses Q: Monthly income from products 20 @...

Austin L. Church – Content Marketing Without the Huge Time Suck – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
How many of you have lots of spare time…? 1! Most of us already know the benefits of content marketing Content marketing is a process that can be automated and optimized and streamlined No longer a...

Thomas Smale – Q&A on Selling your Business – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Q&A with Thomas Smale, FE International, who help sell businesses Hosted by Rob Walling Rob: FE International helped me a lot, helped Patrick McKenzie, helped many people in the MC community Q: How many employees &...

Sherry Walling – Where Did You Come From and Where are You Going?: Thriving in Business by Understanding your Origins, Identity, and Future Self – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Last Weds… supposed to send my slides to Xander Last Weds… I decided it was a good time to start writing my slides Started letting the ideas flow After about 15 mins, I found myself on...

Rob Walling – 11 Years to Overnight Success: From Beach Towels to A Successful Exit – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
By far the most personal talk I’ve ever given 5 parts Things to take away from this It’s a long process “Why did you decide to sell Drip?” As in-depth as I can into what the...

Lars Lofgren – Two Inbound Engines that Drive 30K+ Leads Per Month – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Proof Leads: goals and actuals 2016 Goal ~400k, Actual ~500k Averaged 40,400 leads/month in 2016 No campaigns. Only systems Stop thinking of marketing campaigns I hate building from scratch. Running a treadmill. You want a marketing...

Joanna Wiebe – How to Be Specific: From-The-Trenches Lessons in High-Converting Copy – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Joanna Wiebe @copyhackers SPECIFICITY: From-the-trenches lessons in the most uncomfortable of all the conversion plays: long[er] copy Putting more words on the page than you’re comfortable with Saying more, writing more, makes people feel uncomfortable “But...

Ezra Firestone – The Exact Formula We’ve Used to Generate $5M in Revenue from Software in the last 3 Years – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
The real value in life comes from relationships Beyond the content at this conference, focus on making at least one good relationship Ezra Firestone E-commerce expert 2016 - $17MM revenue on one of my e-commerce brands...

Attendee Talks – John Sonmez, Dodd Caldwell, Matthew Paulson, Daniel Craig – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
John Sonmez - YouTube: Fame, Glory, and 50+ Email Sign Ups a Day How many of you have a YouTube channel? (some) I have a channel YouTube is a pretty good place to be if you...

Russ Henneberry – The Perfect Content Marketing Strategy – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Russ Henneberry My favorite topic – content marketing Realised last night how nerdy we all are… honor to be around so many smart people. Speaking to someone last night “WooCommerce…Magento…SKUs…Woo”. Realised… it’s a foreign language!...

Natalie Nagele – Is FOMO (fear of missing out) holding you back? – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
(MC intro) People here 1.5% have an idea 4% building 4% just launched 90% launched and growing 0.5% “essentially retired” 230 at Growth, 165 at Starter! Every Growth + Starter talk scribed live (here...

James Kennedy – How to Stop Giving Demos and Build a Sales Factory Instead – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Product demos. Show of hands - who demos their product (webex style)? Lots of people Hands up if you still wanna be doing that in 5 years’ time? ……1. Demos are important. You get to understand...

Bridget Harris – Bootstrapping for Badasses – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Bridget Harris - @bridgettoday - online scheduling Came in in 2012 to start running the company Bootstrapped Growing fast Interesting infrastructure challenges from fast growth “Bootstrapped”, or “Revenue-funded” Want to tell you how we bootstrapped...

Brennan Dunn – Personalizing Your Marketing: Why You Should Be Niching In Real-Time – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
I geek out on all things automation and personalization I think what we’re talking about now is something that is going to be really common in marketing in the next few years I personalize my web...

MicroConf 2017 Official Notes

2017BusinessMarketingMicroConf 2017
Recap / notes from every MicroConf 2017 talk

The Ultimate Guide To Segmenting Your Email List

First rule of marketing: show the right message, to the right person, at the right time. Consciously or subconsciously, you’re working toward this with every bit of marketing you do: You’ve thought about who your ideal...

Personalized URLs in your / Cold Outreach Campaigns

For most situations, I’m a big fan of storing personalization data directly in your marketing automation tool (e.g. Drip). You basically use it as your mini-CRM / subscriber database, and can pull data from there on...

The Brain Audit Testimonial Questions

Questions below. From the outstanding The Brain Audit: Why Customers Buy (And Why They Don’t) by Sean D’Souza. The beauty of asking these six questions: You’re much more likely to get a response than if you...

Marketing Personalization

94% of marketers agree that “personalizing the web experience” is critical to current and future success. So ~94% of marketers are gonna be taking advantage of personalization, right? Nearly. 4%. 4%. FOUR PERCENT of marketers reckon...

How do you get people to find (and buy) your products online?

So, you’ve got a fantastic product or service to sell people. The trouble is, your potential buyers don’t yet know or trust that that’s true. Most people who want to sell things online will try one...

Market Research Calls – Tips, Ramblings, Examples, Q&A

Tips for market research calls when devising a new product / service offering

Future topics

Old Barbados - postman saga Accounting - vat box 6/7 corrections don’t need correcting? Web apps - widget list filter and search Barbados - ‘yes please we don’t have bananas’ ✅ Travel - insurance after amex...