
Send an HTTP request from Drip

Because I know I’ll need to look this up a lot… This is what the HTTP request from Drip looks like when you use the ‘Send an HTTP Post’ action… { "subscriber": { "id": "1231243j3n423o4jn", "status":...

Make Drip’s workflow editor wider and easier to use

Drip’s workflow editor is awesome, but one constant frustration is how it squashes everything to fit the width of your screen. In complex workflows this means actions are drawn overlapping each other, making everything harder to...

MicroConf 2017 Official Notes

2017BusinessMarketingMicroConf 2017
Recap / notes from every MicroConf 2017 talk

The Ultimate Guide To Segmenting Your Email List

First rule of marketing: show the right message, to the right person, at the right time. Consciously or subconsciously, you’re working toward this with every bit of marketing you do: You’ve thought about who your ideal...

Personalized URLs in your / Cold Outreach Campaigns

For most situations, I’m a big fan of storing personalization data directly in your marketing automation tool (e.g. Drip). You basically use it as your mini-CRM / subscriber database, and can pull data from there on...

The Brain Audit Testimonial Questions

Questions below. From the outstanding The Brain Audit: Why Customers Buy (And Why They Don’t) by Sean D’Souza. The beauty of asking these six questions: You’re much more likely to get a response than if you...

Marketing Personalization

94% of marketers agree that “personalizing the web experience” is critical to current and future success. So ~94% of marketers are gonna be taking advantage of personalization, right? Nearly. 4%. 4%. FOUR PERCENT of marketers reckon...

How do you get people to find (and buy) your products online?

So, you’ve got a fantastic product or service to sell people. The trouble is, your potential buyers don’t yet know or trust that that’s true. Most people who want to sell things online will try one...

Market Research Calls – Tips, Ramblings, Examples, Q&A

Tips for market research calls when devising a new product / service offering