MicroConf 2017

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4 Key Takeaways from MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
I could list hundreds, but I’m going to stick to themes that came up repeatedly across several talks (—the plural of anecdote IS data) 1. Focus on one thing at a time We can’t do everything....

Mike Taber – Idea Validation and Customer Development – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Why is validation important? How to launch a product, v1.0 Find an idea Talk to people Go out on the internet Or you can’t find a tool to do something Build the product ??? Profit THIS...

Sujan Patel – From Idea to Launch to Your First 1000 Customers With Zero Marketing Budget – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
37 slides, I’ll try to keep it short Very actionable How to get your first 1,000 customers Or past that, to 10,000 From idea to 1,000 customers Me @sujanpatel Founder of Web Profits Growth marketing agency...

Ryan Battles – How to Gain Traction in a Crowded Market – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Someone earlier was telling me They’re looking to build a product Interests: programming, selling, kung-fu Programming: Python, and Go Go sounds obscure. You should start a product around that! Then I Googled it. 15 million results...

Patrick McKenzie – Paint By Numbers: From Productized Service to SaaS – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Quick story about the patio11 thing Lived in Japan for 13 years Get confused for people A LOT My Harry Potter phase… My Keith Perhac phase… 2 white software engineers in town My Eminem phase… Started...

Matthew Du Pont – Outnumbered: Selling to 2 or more B2B decisionmakers at the same time – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
You want to get the room of purchasers committed to what you’re buying You demo what you have You ask questions I’d like to recommend a better approach Goal of my talk: convince you not to...

Matt Inglot – Validate Your Product Idea With Pre-Sales (How I made $4500 pre-selling my product -- and how 1 out of every 6 people emailed became a customer) – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
I was worried about launching my product A few years ago I was in a pretty good place 25 hours was a long week for me Did what any self respecting person would do… start another...

Keith Perhac – Building Your First Effective Marketing Funnel – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
@harisenbon79 Run a marketing agency – DelphiNet Horrible naming choice Founder of SegMetrics Co-founder of Summit Evergreen I design strategies that turn visitors into customers Help companies build email funnels Landing page To email address To...

Justin Jackson – The Freedom Ladder: Financial Independence through Products – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
First – I love you guys Vegas: the first 48 hours are amazing. Then there’s a cliff Went to MicroConf Growth. After 2 days, I’m exhausted Then all you guys show up. So much energy Today...

John Collison – Q&A – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
John Collison, co-founder of Stripe. Interview hosted by Mike Taber Biggest initial challenge in building / developing Stripe? We had no idea how to build Stripe Anyone who had used the original merchant providers knew what...

Derrick Reimer – Transforming Customer Input into Killer Features – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
We can’t build everything customers ask for! 1) Parse Customers love to make their feature requests in the form of the solution, not eh problem “What are you actually trying to accomplish with this?” Example: feature...

Dave Churchville – Making Facebook Ads profitable for your SaaS – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
What I learned the hard way 4 or 5 different SaaS businesses Tried a lot of things. Failed at many of them! STOP. DO THIS NOW Add the FB pixel to your site now This will...

Andy Baldacci – Profitable content marketing in 1 hour a week – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
“I know I should be blogging more, but…” -Every founder, ever. Even if you have the time and enjoy writing, doesn’t mean you’ll know the right stuff to put out Too much shitty content out there...

Sherry Walling – How To Win The Battle Of Wits (Startup Edition) – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Pre-talk video: Iocane powder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s0UURBihH8 How to win the battle of wits (Start-up edition) So much of what makes you successful or not successful is in your own head Your ability to choose; to decide What...

Josh Doody – How you can get to 180,000 visitors a year in under 12 months – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
Core business – book – Fearless Salary Negotiation @JoshDoody Had to find people to buy my book Built a site – FearlessSalaryNegotiation.com What I did to get started with SEO – organic traffic Context 225 site...

Jordan Gal – Two Years in the SaaS Trenches – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Intro (Rob & Mike) 17% of people here need an idea 23% have an idea 24% building 8% just launched 27% launched and growing 1% “essentially retired” Jordan Gal - Two Years in the SaaS Trenches...

Ben Orenstein – Blind Spots of the Developer Entrepreneur – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Prescriptions and Descriptions A lot of speakers start by talking about themselves I’m going to talk about YOU I sent out a survey to attendees Got about 50 responses Q: Monthly income from products 20 @...

Austin L. Church – Content Marketing Without the Huge Time Suck – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
How many of you have lots of spare time…? 1! Most of us already know the benefits of content marketing Content marketing is a process that can be automated and optimized and streamlined No longer a...

Thomas Smale – Q&A on Selling your Business – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Q&A with Thomas Smale, FE International, who help sell businesses Hosted by Rob Walling Rob: FE International helped me a lot, helped Patrick McKenzie, helped many people in the MC community Q: How many employees &...

Sherry Walling – Where Did You Come From and Where are You Going?: Thriving in Business by Understanding your Origins, Identity, and Future Self – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Last Weds… supposed to send my slides to Xander Last Weds… I decided it was a good time to start writing my slides Started letting the ideas flow After about 15 mins, I found myself on...

Rob Walling – 11 Years to Overnight Success: From Beach Towels to A Successful Exit – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
By far the most personal talk I’ve ever given 5 parts Things to take away from this It’s a long process “Why did you decide to sell Drip?” As in-depth as I can into what the...

Lars Lofgren – Two Inbound Engines that Drive 30K+ Leads Per Month – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Proof Leads: goals and actuals 2016 Goal ~400k, Actual ~500k Averaged 40,400 leads/month in 2016 No campaigns. Only systems Stop thinking of marketing campaigns I hate building from scratch. Running a treadmill. You want a marketing...

Joanna Wiebe – How to Be Specific: From-The-Trenches Lessons in High-Converting Copy – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Joanna Wiebe @copyhackers SPECIFICITY: From-the-trenches lessons in the most uncomfortable of all the conversion plays: long[er] copy Putting more words on the page than you’re comfortable with Saying more, writing more, makes people feel uncomfortable “But...

Ezra Firestone – The Exact Formula We’ve Used to Generate $5M in Revenue from Software in the last 3 Years – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
The real value in life comes from relationships Beyond the content at this conference, focus on making at least one good relationship Ezra Firestone E-commerce expert 2016 - $17MM revenue on one of my e-commerce brands...

Attendee Talks – John Sonmez, Dodd Caldwell, Matthew Paulson, Daniel Craig – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
John Sonmez - YouTube: Fame, Glory, and 50+ Email Sign Ups a Day How many of you have a YouTube channel? (some) I have a channel YouTube is a pretty good place to be if you...

Russ Henneberry – The Perfect Content Marketing Strategy – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Russ Henneberry DigitalMarketer.com My favorite topic – content marketing Realised last night how nerdy we all are… honor to be around so many smart people. Speaking to someone last night “WooCommerce…Magento…SKUs…Woo”. Realised… it’s a foreign language!...

Natalie Nagele – Is FOMO (fear of missing out) holding you back? – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
(MC intro) People here 1.5% have an idea 4% building 4% just launched 90% launched and growing 0.5% “essentially retired” 230 at Growth, 165 at Starter http://microconf.com/growth/schedule MicroConfRecap.com! Every Growth + Starter talk scribed live (here...

James Kennedy – How to Stop Giving Demos and Build a Sales Factory Instead – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Product demos. Show of hands - who demos their product (webex style)? Lots of people Hands up if you still wanna be doing that in 5 years’ time? ……1. Demos are important. You get to understand...

Bridget Harris – Bootstrapping for Badasses – MicroConf 2017

2017MicroConf 2017
Bridget Harris - @bridgettoday YouCanBook.me - online scheduling Came in in 2012 to start running the company Bootstrapped Growing fast Interesting infrastructure challenges from fast growth “Bootstrapped”, or “Revenue-funded” Want to tell you how we bootstrapped...

Brennan Dunn – Personalizing Your Marketing: Why You Should Be Niching In Real-Time – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

2017MicroConf 2017
I geek out on all things automation and personalization I think what we’re talking about now is something that is going to be really common in marketing in the next few years I personalize my web...

MicroConf 2017 Official Notes

2017BusinessMarketingMicroConf 2017
Recap / notes from every MicroConf 2017 talk