Andy Baldacci – Profitable content marketing in 1 hour a week – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

Shai Schechter • 2017

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  • “I know I should be blogging more, but…”
    • -Every founder, ever.
  • Even if you have the time and enjoy writing, doesn’t mean you’ll know the right stuff to put out
  • Too much shitty content out there
  • Joined Hubstaff as Marketing Director in 2015
    • Struggled to create content for certain segments
    • Tried to outsource that content, but the people we outsourced too didn’t have the experience either
  • Podcasting
    • Takes me an hour a week
    • Able to make multiple forms of content from just that
      • Show notes
      • Audio
      • Transcript (lead magnet)
    • Every 60 minute interview had 10k words from an expert!
      • Huge light bulb
      • After doing 70 interviews + a million words of content…
        • Loads of material to create lead magnets, book,
  • The 16 step content machine
    • All the slides, templates, resources –
    • All in an hour a week??
      • Break it down into steps, and outsource most of them, so you’re pretty much just doing the 1 hour interview
    • Doesn’t have to be a podcast
      • Based on “The Book in a Box Method” by Tucker Max & Zach Obront – only $25,000!!
    • Conduct the interview
      • You need more than just “their story”
      • Host’s job to ask the right questions
      • Go deep on a single subject, not wide
    • Get the interview transcribed
      • Let somebody else do this
      • …But don’t use or similar
        • Want them to do more than a straight transcription
          • Pull out key quotes
        • Makes the following steps much easier
    • Create content outline
      • Good interviews and transcripts make this easy
      • Don’t outsource this step
      • Identify headlines
        • ..
    • Have a writer create the first draft
      • Outsource this
    • Review and revise first draft
      • You write and the writer revises
        • Keep guest message intact
        • Look for gaps
    • Final polish
      • Editor
      • Make sure it’s up to your standards
    • Publish and promote
      • Sujan Patel
      • Neil Patel
      • Andy Crestodina
      • Having a network of influencers can’t hurt…
  • More to it than the content
    • Build networks
    • Relationships
  • This is how you get an edge
  • Not a good fit for EVERY startup
    • Four criteria
      • You have a clearly defined audience
      • You have a business model that can support it
        • (SaaS is good, because you typically have a high Average Revenue Per User)
      • Serious about building your authority
        • It’s a long game
      • Can afford the investment
        • $1-$2k per month to podcast each week
        • If you can’t afford that yet, don’t try doing everything yourself. Better to spend your time hustling for sales so you do have the money

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