Josh Doody – How you can get to 180,000 visitors a year in under 12 months – MicroConf 2017 Attendee Talk

Shai Schechter • 2017

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  • Core business – book – Fearless Salary Negotiation
  • @JoshDoody
  • Had to find people to buy my book
  • Built a site –
  • What I did to get started with SEO – organic traffic
  • Context
    • 225 site visitors total, Jan-Mar 2016
      • Peak week 30-40
    • April 2016, conversation with Patrick McKenzie. “You need to get more traffic”
    • By February 2016, 225 visitors EVERY 6 HOURS
      • Peaking at 5k per week
  • Things you can start doing right now
    • Creating content
      • Google can’t find you, people can’t find you, if you don’t have anything to find
      • How do you create content that will be appreciated by people, and Google?
        • Write for your keywords
          • Take your article idea. Stop. Put it into a keyword planner. Find the keywords people actually use to search for it
          • Emphasize those keywords in: (pretty easy, you can do this now)
            • Slug (URL). e.g. for a dishwasher repair article
            • Title (HTML title tag)
            • Above the fold (the first N lines of text, that are on the screen before scrolling down)
        • Internal link structure
          • Make the site crawlable
          • Emphasize important pages
            • I do this directly in the footer
            • Don’t do this with every single site. Choose the best
            • Link to them from lots of other articles
          • Use keywords in anchor text
            • The words in the links should reflect the keywords you found in the earlier step
        • Building inbound links
          • More difficult
          • But powerful
          • Podcasts
            • Doing a podcast is easy
            • Guesting on podcasts is even easier
              • “I’m in your area. I’ve got stuff I think’ll be valuable to your listeners”
              • They’ll say “sure”
          • Guest posts

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