Todo list resistance

If you’re feeling resistance to making progress on your todo list, try adding one or more of these extra notes to each item:

”What’s the next step?” Break the task into smaller and smaller pieces until there’s one that feels impossible to not take action on because it’s so small

”What resistance am I feeling?” Where am I feeling it in my body? What does it feel like? Do I have a label for the feeling? Do I know why I’m feeling it?

”Why do it at all?” Reconnect with why you want to do this thing in the first place. How does it serve you? Phrase it as “I choose to X because Y”, not “I have to X because Y”. If you can’t find a good reason why you CHOOSE to do it, get rid of it altogether. Why ever do anything you have no reason to do?

You might not need all of these. I suspect for a lot of people just one of these will resonate, and one will be all you need. Just start adding that one to your todos.