What's Stopping You - the origin story

How Christian and I went from zero to a shipped podcast:

  1. 14 December 2022: Christian told me he hoped to launch his new app, The Video Clipper, within a few weeks (but that it had been dragging for a while)
  2. I asked what still really needed doing before he could ship. He gave me the list. I pushed back on a lot of things that didn’t seem critical before launch, until the list was down to just a few items1
  3. I asked how long each one would take. Add critical feature X: 30 minutes. Write a launch tweet: 3 minutes. Etc. They were all small items: we essentially reduced a several week todo list down to 84 minutes of work. I rounded it up to 90 minutes to give time for a snack2
  4. We realised that that flow we’d gone through would make a valuable service
  5. …And that it could be cool to do it publicly as a podcast
  6. We settled on both: a paid option in private, or a free option where it’s shipped as a podcast episode
  7. We immediately bought a domain name and set up a Transistor.fm account for hosting/distributing the podcast and a Savvycal account to schedule calls
  8. We were too busy (or scared?) to ship anything immediately, but on December 21, 2022 we tweeted to get our first guest
  9. A few people got in touch. We scheduled the first call for December 29, 2022, edited it ourselves, and published on December 31, 2022
  1. This is something he’s done for me in the past, too. Deep down what’s happening is that we’re scared of taking some action, so we come up with all kinds of excuses or reasons or whatever to prevent taking the action immediately 

  2. Once you break a mountainous item down into tiny steps, that can be done without much thought, it becomes so much easier to tackle