Rest and digest

We don’t spend much time in a rest and digest state in our modern world.

Constantly moving from one thing to another at work.

Lots of plans.

Devices and social media and advertising competing for our attention.

But were we designed to work 9–5?

I don’t think we were.

Our brains and bodies are optimised for the environment of our ancestors.

That idea that if you’re not working a 40 hour week you’re lazy or unproductive or not doing what you should be doing is one that’s commonly believed (by me, too, until recently), but that doesn’t make it true.

It’s become the new normal. I was feeling guilty for not working 9–5.

By reframing that thought I’ve removed that guilt.

You know when you’re in a country with a slower pace, and you see people sitting outside their house during the day, having a drink or a chat, watching the world go by? If there is any ‘meant to’, I now believe that that’s closer to it.

Some time in the drive state (equivalent to our ancestors hunting and gathering—today it might be being on the computer doing work), but not 40 hours a week of it. Most of our time in the chill/sooth/rest state. And minimal time in the fight/flight/threat state—we have very few legitimate threats today—just a lot of ego threats that we mistake for real threats.