Everything is luck. But you can make yourself luckier.

If 2020 (and beyond) taught us anything, it’s that we can make all the plans in the world—it doesn’t mean they’ll work out. We don’t choose how our lives go. We have less control than we like to think.

We don’t get to choose what happens. We don’t get to choose what other people do. We don’t get to choose what the universe does. We barely even get to choose what we do.

All we get to do is set an intention… and then try. That’s it. So to say that it’s possible to go out and make something happen is a slight misnomer.

That doesn’t mean that there’s no point trying. On the contrary… if you don’t play the game, you can’t win. Get out there as much as possible.

You have a luck surface area. It starts small. And if you keep to yourself, it stays small. Good stuff might hit you, but it’s crazy unlikely.

The more things you try, the bigger your luck surface area gets, and the higher the chance that good things hit you. And they will. Set your intention. Move toward it. You’ll realise it’s not the right direction any more, you’ll course correct, you’ll get ‘luckier’ with every step.

That’s what it means to craft your life. That’s why cultivating a mindset where you can break through the fear or the barriers is so important. If you don’t, your luck surface area stays tiny.

Everything is luck. Go make yourself luckier.