A hack for eliminating all resentment from your life

Ever find yourself feeling resentful about having to do something? I love this hack for helping me eliminate feelings of resentment for good:

  1. Make a list of some things you “have to” do but don’t want to. 1 to 5 items is fine. Start each one with “I have to,” and leave several lines between each.
  2. Now, at the beginning of each one… cross out the “I have to” and replace it with “I choose to”. At the end of each one, write “because”.
  3. Complete that sentence. This feels weird, but stick with it. You choose all your actions! Think you’re going to the supermarket because your partner needs you to? That’s your choice. Own it! You’re an adult. No one forces you to do anything. Actions taken out of resentment become toxic, anyway. Reconnect with who it’s helping, or why you started doing it to begin with.
  4. This simple exercise helps me reconnect with why I’m doing everything I’m doing. Sure, maybe it’s for someone else. But when I own my choice of doing that thing for them, it becomes totally joyful again.
  5. And if that’s not true? If I can’t connect with a reason that reminds me the action is in my best interest after all? Then I stop doing it altogether. Cut it out. Own every choice. Free up your time and energy for things that bring you joy, and watch how your mood and life change for the better.