
Early draft

Just a brain dump, likely not coherent yet.

Everything we do is about intention or action. We intend to walk somewhere or do something. And then (and this isn’t totally in our control but in the simpler cases our intention leads so directly to our action that we don’t realise) we act—hopefully on the intention, sometimes at odds with the intention (being unconscious).

Okay so when the action is aligned with the intention we feel good and that makes us want to do more good stuff and so we are more likely to do more good stuff and that makes us feel good and so on and I call this spiralling up. it’s a positive feedback loop so for example if I set an intention that I want to work out and then I do work out I will feel good from the fact that I’ve done it in terms of meeting my intention and I will feel good because it is an activity that makes someone feel good afterwards and say everything is aligned and then I’ll be in a mind space where I am more willing to then want to go and meditate or eat healthy food or any of the other things that are my intentions so we are more likely to hit our intentions if we have recently been doing other things that has her intentions so it’s a positive feedback loop

And it’s exactly the same the other way on the way down you can spiral down as well if you don’t do a good thing that you intended to do or are you doing actually bad thing they had intended not to do then I made you feel bad you get into a bad mindset and you’re less likely to do good things again innuendo spiralling downwards in a positive feedback loop in the downward direction

So the question is what do you do about that how can you get out of the negative spiral to the spiral down and back into spiralling up and the answer is you have to hijack the loop and you can hijack it anywhere you can well you hijack it you override the resistance that you feel before doing the bad action… you feel the discomfort and do the thing anyway. that’s a great way to get back into the positive loop because you’ll still feel the good winning feelings - you’re back in the loop!

Coming soon

Notes -

  • There’s a positive feedback loop of intention and action. The more good stuff you do, the more you want to do good stuff, and you spiral up. Likewise when you get into bad stuff / a rut, you keep doing bad stuff or stop doing good stuff, and you spiral down.
  • Examples
  • Solution - hijack at either intention or action stage