Writing without thinking

What happens if I just start writing without thinking?

It’s hard. The mind really likes to throw thoughts at you. And if you’re not careful, everything is being filtered through those thoughts.

But with practice it’s possible to just write. To turn the thoughts off—no—to let the thoughts be there without them being in the way. Without them being a filter.

Then you can just write.

Just keep writing…

The things that come out might not be coherent.

If you’re in any way aware while writing of whether or not they’re coherent or not, then you’re not writing without thinking.

The old adage(?) of write drunk edit sober. It’s almost onto something. It’s telling you to write without thinking. Without inhibition caused by thinking. But it turns out you don’t have to use alcohol to get there. With practice you can write without thinking without alcohol.

Why is the thinking such a problem?

Because if you’re using your thinking mind you can only rehash things you’ve consumed before.

You can’t be creative.

I believe creativity comes entirely from beyond the mind.

(Einstein reference - true breakthroughs when he would stop thinking)

Make it coherent later—that’s the editing. But even then, be careful that there isn’t ego/fear coming in to censor the best, rawest, most vulnerable, truest parts of what you’re writing.

(I also find writing without thinking much easier at night. It’s like my thinking mind is getting tired and so is less determined to get in the way.)