
It’s so easy to inherit the ideas and beliefs we’re surrounded by.

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with

–Jim Rohn and probably others

And then we attract and gravitate toward others who share those same beliefs and worldviews, to the point where you believe the entire world is unanimous in that belief.

It’s one of life’s many spirals.

In my case, I used to believe that the only way to ‘support’ people around you was to tease and judge and ridicule them, because that’s the society I grew up in, and so that’s how I behaved, and so that’s who I gravitated around, and that became the only reality I could perceive.

In the last few years, with a lot of inner work and questioning, I’ve ended up breaking that spiral, and finding myself in communities that are helpful and supportive, and it’s wild to me that that exists, but it feels so much better, and so much more authentically me, and I want to keep leaning into that world for my sake and the sake of everyone I interact with.