Why help founders get unstuck (round 2)

At age 28 I got to the point of realising I had emotions (and that this was OK); and started working very intentionally on my personal growth. It quickly became apparent how much our mind creates our reality. And within that, how often we1 stand in the way of getting what we2 want.

Our psychology—deep rooted beliefs we take for granted—essentially sabotaging us from the inside.

And it’s happening to everyone! Very bright people, subconsciously self-sabotaging and not reaching their full potential.

I’ve found it so rewarding working with those people; helping them get unstuck. Infinitely more rewarding than helping them make their marketing websites convert better. This emotional unsticking thing helps them be more authentically content with life, has a knock-on effect on everyone around them, and yet still helps them make more money than just increasing website conversions would.

It’s simple leverage: this emotions thing is at the heart of everything a person does.

That’s why it’s how I want to help people in the coming years. The WSY podcast is one step of that journey.

I’m uniquely placed to help with this: I grew up as a very logical thinker, building a myriad of apps and business enterprises over 20+ years, then shifting gears and spending several years applying those same relentlessly rational skills to learning the murky subjective world of psychology and emotions. I’m now combining the two, helping even the most logical thinkers navigate their minds and get unstuck.

  1. subconsciously 

  2. consciously