Why help founders get unstuck

“Why are you transitioning into this mental health ish stuff / helping founders get unstuck, instead of marketing tech?”

Firstly can I try to define what this mental health ish stuff is…

I became very intentional about personal growth a few years ago. My contentment, calmness, confidence, self esteem, secure attachment, productivity, are all vastly improved in the last few years.

The mind is at the centre of all of it. Everything is filtered through the lens of the mind on the way into us and out of us.

Investing at that level is worth exponentially more than investing at the level of business strategies and tactics. (Simple leverage!)

That leverage is expanded exponentially again if I can help other people at the level of their minds.

We’re often our own worst enemies. I can have tremendous impact on people’s wellbeing and “success” if I can help them better understand and navigate their own minds, identify the subtle and deeply ingrained ways that they are standing in their own way, and unstick those obstacles.

I feel much more passionately about that than about helping them with a surface level task like increasing conversions on their website.

I’ll probably try this article again in a week or two, and see if I can rewrite it more succinctly.