I'm writing an atomic essay every day

Starting today, I’m writing an atomic essay (maximum 250 words) every day for as long as I can keep the streak going.


  1. I think about things, a lot. When I share these thoughts with people, it often helps them. I love that. They grow. I grow. It feels good. My ideas combine with their ideas, and everything grows exponentially. But it bothers me that this often only happens one person at a time. Sharing online maximises that impact.
  2. To push through discomfort and build a habit. Writing and publishing my thoughts doesn’t come easily to me, but I think it’s worthwhile. I want to push through my internal resistance to doing difficult but worthwhile things.

Topic: anything that’s on my mind is fair game. At the moment that means most essays will be about personal growth (self-esteem, psychology, emotional intelligence, consciousness) and building online businesses (SaaS, online marketing, UI, coding). For now the only constraint on topic is that each essay has a single, clear, coherent title (not just “thoughts” or “journalling”).

Goal: to keep the streak going as long as possible. I’ve decided not to aim for a fixed number of days—instead I’ll set fun celebrations for milestones along the way.

It’s my sincere hope that I look back at these early essays in a few months and wonder how my skill as a writer could have been so poor. That’s growth.

The essays:

  1. I'm writing an atomic essay every day
  2. 4 ways I slashed my content consumption and 10x’ed taking action
  3. Is it bad to email my list every day?
  4. Non-Violent Communication
  5. A hack for eliminating all resentment from your life
  6. Don't resist last time, grow for next time
  7. Everything is luck. But you can make yourself luckier.
  8. Medication
  9. Making space for creativity
  10. Conditionally show & hide price plans in the Stripe customer portal
  11. Massy Group
  12. Podcast workflow
  13. My brain told me to
  14. Riding the waves: how wakeboarding helped me navigate the ups and downs of building my SaaS
  15. Why not just get a high salary dev job—are indie hackers needy?
  16. Barbados 7 night itinerary
  17. Aerosol sunscreen
  18. Todo list resistance
  19. What's Stopping You - SOP
  20. What's Stopping You - intake questions
  21. Do I move in the world or does the world move around me?
  22. Praise causes low self-esteem
  23. Resisting important tasks
  24. Why help founders get unstuck
  25. Reflections on my procrastination
  26. Playing stupid
  27. Chanukah
  28. Why help founders get unstuck (round 2)
  29. Good enough
  30. Following through on Future Me's tasks
  31. Validation
  32. Mortgages in Barbados
  33. Better conference name tags
  34. The 2 ways to learn from the actions of others
  35. Everything is practice for something else
  36. Arguments
  37. What's Stopping You - the origin story
  38. Why is the mind always talking?
  39. Everything is beautiful
  40. Needs vs strategies for meeting needs
  41. Sex and needs
  42. List of values
  43. Step by step: figure out your values
  44. A new tactic for self-doubt
  45. Overoptimising
  46. Earn airmiles on your HMRC tax bills
  47. Face to face
  48. Action
  49. Religion, models and lossy compression
  50. Disparaging comments
  51. Giraffe ears
  52. 2 ways to reason
  53. Giving
  54. Picking our battles (perfectly)
  55. Problems
  56. Natural vs habitual
  57. Change
  58. Empathy affects change
  59. Documenting everything
  60. Two types of why
  61. The Angel Frame
  62. Dropping the ball
  63. Lower the bar
  64. Stretch zone
  65. 10% longer
  66. The 4 stages of growth
  67. Out of your comfort zone, into…
  68. Growth
  69. 69
  70. Stronglifts 5x5
  71. Better pregaming
  72. Needs
  73. Tired
  74. Sad songs
  75. Community
  76. White butterflies
  77. Release
  78. Divorce predictors
  79. Shiva
  80. Three circles model
  81. BATNA
  82. Making friends as an adult
  83. Reframing thoughts
  84. Discipline
  85. Want vs want
  86. Your job is a one client business
  87. What if I were to do all my thinking outside my head?
  88. Control #2
  89. 70% brakes
  90. Surprises
  91. Trojan horses
  92. The journey of 100 things
  93. Rest and digest
  94. Good
  95. The water hose
  96. Daily writing
  97. Coincidences
  98. Reflection for MMU students
  99. Continuous releases
  100. Law of attaction