Matthew Du Pont – Outnumbered: Selling to 2 or more B2B decisionmakers at the same time – MicroConf 2017

Shai Schechter • 2017

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  • You want to get the room of purchasers committed to what you’re buying
    • You demo what you have
    • You ask questions
    • I’d like to recommend a better approach
      • Goal of my talk: convince you not to go into your demo, presentation or conversation in a linear fashion
      • Instead, treat it like a choose your own adventure book
        • Give your audience meaningful choices from the beginning
        • Let them choose the path
        • Sounds scary
        • But can be a lot more effective
        • A traditional linear presentation has a weakness: when you start talking, people naturally have doubts
          • They’d love to jump in with them, and you can then overcome the objection, but you’re not giving the opportunity to
  • Matthew Du Pont, Cofounder of SupplyBetter
    • 2012-2016. Failed.
    • With what we were selling
      • Had to get 3 people on board at once
        • Chief machinist
        • Head of IT
        • Head of marketing
      • Iterated on the way to present to them. Came up with “P.D.A.”:
        • Provoke
          • What can you say to get a reaction?
          • Get their objections to come out?
          • “We are going to bring you leads. And you’re going to pay us to bring those leads”
            • That’s it
            • That’ll bring out so many objections
            • Instead of giving a whole presentation, and letting the objections grow in their mind
        • Discover Doubts
          • “What is your biggest doubt right now about paying for those leads?”
            • Listen to the objections
        • Adapt
          • As you counter the objections, the questions will start to become more positive. You’re winning them over. They’re bought in
    • Doubt: “You won’t have enough jobs for {machine}”
      • Figure out the root of their problem
        • Instead of responding directly
          • “Here are some reasons why we’ll have lots of jobs”
        • Counter
          • “Don’t worry. You don’t pay unless you choose to bid”
    • “What do you do about the slide deck?”
      • Have slides for the objections you expect. Navigate to the slide if you have one
  • Matthew Du Pont

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