Initial contact
- Person says they want to be a guest
- Intake form: send them the intake questions. For now we can do this in whichever medium we’re communicating in already (e.g. Twitter DM) but could formalise this to a form tool or a ‘copy and complete this doc’
- (Currently the scheduling link exists publicly, so someone could go and pick a time without having done intake questions. Longer term I think it should always be intake questions first so we can make sure there’s fit, but for now either order is fine)
- Send them scheduling link
- Follow up if they don’t book in
When it’s time for the call
- Send them the Riverside link
Beginning of call
- Our goal is to help you
- Encourage you to err on the side of vulnerability. Gets best results. As much as you feel comfortable with
- If you regret saying something, tell us in realtime or at the end, we’ll cut it
- Stick around after for debrief
- Name pronunciation?
- Job / intro description?
- Welcome blurb, and start! What’re you working on, why, progress, what’s next, what’s stopping you, etc
End of call
- Wrap up - make sure we have very concrete atomic next steps. How do they feel?
- Where can people find you online
- If you, listener, want to be a guest… (also, paid option)
“But don’t go anywhere”
- How was that for you?
- Feedback?
- Can you think of a couple of other people who might want to do this?